
Our Gold Member Benefits
  • Quicker downloads – no more 15 minute wait after 3 sound downloads
  • No more crediting us – removal of the attribution / credit link requirement
  • Higher quality audio – download higher quality .wav and .mp3 files
  • 18,554 Extra sounds – exclusively for Gold members added weekly
  • Expanded results – show more results per page (up to 100)
  • Lists – organize our sounds into unlimited personalized lists
  • Turn off ads – optional if you prefer not to see them
  • Continuously updated library – new sounds added daily
  • Monthly or yearly donation – cancel anytime
  • Discount for educational facilities and multi-users/agencies

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Remember, you must credit us/provide attribution when using our sounds/music in your work. An example would be:

Sound from Zapsplat.com

Get Unlimited Downloads, Attribution Free and More When you Upgrade for Just £5

  • Unlimited downloads
  • Removal of the attribution requirement
  • Higher quality sounds (get the wavs too)
  • Thousands of extra sounds
  • Premium professional soundfx packs
  • Create and organise sounds into lists
  • More results per page & ad free

Basic members can download 4 sounds & packs every hour to save bandwidth

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Get unlimited downloads and more!

  • Unlimited downloads
  • Removal of the attribution requirement
  • Ad free
  • Pro quality sounds (get the wavs too)
  • Thousands of extra sounds
  • Lists, more results per page & more

All this from just £5