Free cartoon sound effects

Our free cartoon sound effects are used across a wide range of projects, from cartoons, animations, films, on TV shows, by comedians, in games, apps, theater shows and so much more. We have great fun creating and recording these sounds and doing so really sparks our creativity. We’ve tried to include classically funny sound effects, from slide whistles (great for falling and climbing sounds) siren whistles (ideal for cartoon slipping sound effect and falls) jaw harps (you’ll know this boing sound, perfect for springs and jumps) marimba and other percussion instruments and more. We’ve funny splats, squelches, zips, zaps, twangs, boinks, stretching, ascents, descents, flutters, sequences, cartoon running sounds etc. Also we’ve created loads of cartoon character sounds that include voices, laughing, animals, eye blinking, head shakes and more. We work on adding sounds to this category almost daily, so it’s worth checking back regularly if you can’t find what you need.

Related sounds: You may also find our fart sounds useful, our impact sounds and our game sounds often work well for cartoons too.

4116 Cartoon Sounds

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