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Perfect for agencies or if there is more than one user (person) accessing and working with our sound effects and music on your projects. If this is you, you’ll need to purchase a multi-user upgrade. We offer a discount per user at just £3 per user per month (usually £4), with a minimum of 2 upgraded users. Each user will sign in with a single account.
* A user is classed as someone working on a project who is editing or working with the sounds directly themselves (a sound designer, for example), not the number of people who will end up listening to or viewing the end product or project you are working on.[/vc_column_text][minti_spacer height=”20″][minti_toggle title=”Click here to view the Gold account benefits…”]
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You can increase or decrease the number of users anytime by updating the monthly fee in your account. Simply change the monthly fee to reflect the number of users (£3 per user) and click update.
We are happy to refund an upgrade within 72 hours of purchase. No refunds will be honored after this period. No refunds for unused users will be given.
Any questions regarding our multi-user upgrades can be sent to Jessey Drake at [email protected][/vc_column_text][minti_spacer height=”20″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][minti_button link=”https://www.zapsplat.com/membership-account/membership-checkout/?level=10″ color=”color-3″ size=”large”]I’m ready to upgrade[/minti_button][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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